WOW, this was a totally awesome book! I loved how Kaylee dealt with her new self, and how she grew and took charge of herself and her situation.Nash is great - I really hope that they WILL be able to have a long and happy life, and that Kaylee's dad will be able to accept all that will come his way as well.I really didn't appreciate Sophie, though, totally spoiled girl, with little emphaty for others. Val scared me - but at the same time, she incarnated the kind of woman that there actually are plenty of in the real world, not just in the soulscreamer world! Way to go in order to try to stay forever young.Poor Tod! I feel bad for him, but I have a feeling he will be around in the next books to wreak some havoc, both on Kaylee and on Nash.And I could totally see Kaylee's dad and Harmony hooking up in the future :D